
You can become involved with LAW in a number of different ways. With your help, LAW can expand its work to new regions and obtain redress for more people who have suffered from human rights violations.

To find out about other ways you can get involved please visit our Get Involved page.

Current opportunities

Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Bangladesh (Home-based)

LAW is looking for an experienced, and enthusiastic Communications and Outreach Coordinator to help expand the Rohingya Crisis programme’s communications reach and impact, in particular through social media engagement, advocacy campaigns, and traditional media activities that will showcase and amplify our work, as well as to reach our clients, their communities and the broader public to advocate on behalf of individuals and communities who have suffered human rights violations and abuses.

Consultancy: Research/Data Analyst

LAW seeks an expert in research and data analysis to assist in a research project to understand the continuing impact of atrocity crimes experienced or witnessed by Rohingya individuals during the 2016 and 2017 ‘clearance operations’ by the Myanmar military.

Legal Fellowships

LAW offers 6 month legal fellowships. Legal fellowships, along with all other job vacancies, will be advertised above.


We encourage law firms, think tanks and universities to partner with LAW on our projects. If you are interested in establishing a research partnership with LAW, please contact

[email protected].