LAW Mentioned in the Press

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  1. In the press

    Shattered Lives, Silent Struggles

    Gender Equality & GBV - Sri Lanka - Advocacy

  2. In the press

    On Aljazeera – The Violence against Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar (15 October 2024)

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Myanmar - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy

  3. In the press

    Atlantic Council: Member states can and should refer the situation of Syria to the ICC

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Syrian Crisis - Advocacy - Strategic Litigation

  4. In the press

    “What Kind of Court Is This?”: Perceptions of International Justice Among Rohingya Refugees

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Transformative Justice - Myanmar - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy

  5. In the press

    LAW’s Rohingya Crisis Programme Manager Interviewed for Al Jazeera

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Transformative Justice - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy

  6. In the press

    Just Security: Ethiopia’s Atrocity Victims Broaden UN Appeal After Human Rights Council’s Failure

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Tigray and northern Ethiopia - Advocacy

  7. In the press

    Just Security: Syrian Torture Victims Deserve a Hearing Before the ICJ

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Syrian Crisis - Advocacy

  8. In the press

    Just Security: Ethiopia’s Conflict Is Spreading, But UN Human Rights Council May End Expert Investigation Anyway

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Tigray and northern Ethiopia - Advocacy

  9. In the press

    HRW: Joint Statement Urging More Aid, Solidarity and Attention to Sudan Crisis

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy

  10. In the press

    HRW: 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council: Ethiopia – Renew the mandate of the ICHREE

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Tigray and northern Ethiopia - Advocacy

  11. In the press

    Opinio Juris: Six years after the Myanmar military committed international crimes against the Rohingya, survivors are still seeking justice in courts around the world

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Transformative Justice - Myanmar - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy - Legal Aid & Empowerment

  12. In the press

    HRW: Threats to Terminate the Mandate of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Tigray and northern Ethiopia - Advocacy