On 29 March 2022, LAW and the Embassy of Bangladesh to the United Nations in Geneva co-hosted an online panel discussion, “Justice for the Rohingya: An Urgent Call.” The panel was chaired by LAW Executive Director, Antonia Mulvey, and opening remarks were provided by His Excellency Mr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.
The panel included: Professor Payam Akhavan (University of Toronto, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, ICC Counsel to Bangladesh); Yasmin Ullah (Rohingya Feminist, Author and Social Justice Activist); Professor Yanghee Lee (Member – Special Advisory Council for Myanmar, Former Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar); and Nicholas Koumjian (Head, Independent Investigative Mechanism on Myanmar). A recorded video message was played from Yousuf Ali, a representative of the Rohingya community-based in the camps in Cox’s Bazar.
Panellists underscored that justice is both a legal and moral obligation and the importance of ensuring survivor voices can be heard throughout justice proceedings – noting that a discussion around reparations should be initiated. Panellists highlighted the damaging impact of continued military involvement in the governance of Myanmar – and in the international justice proceedings themselves. Professor Yanghee Lee reissued a call for an ad hoc tribunal, established by Human Rights Council resolution, empowered to look at crimes taking place inside Myanmar.