Summary: Advancing the protection of aid workers Side Event
Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy
Report: Justice and accountability for attacks on aid workers – What are the barriers and how to overcome them?
Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy
2024 Statement by members of the NGO Working Group on the Protection of Civilians
Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy
Press Release: MH Remote Hearing Request
Accountability & Rule of Law - Lebanon - Advocacy
Human Rights Council: On Accountability for Crimes in Myanmar, LAW Statement
Accountability & Rule of Law - Myanmar - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy
LAW Celebrates 10 Years
Accountability & Rule of Law - Gender Equality & GBV - Transformative Justice - Global - Advocacy
Shanti Mohila honored as one of the ten Raphael Lemkin “Champions of Prevention”
Transformative Justice - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy - Legal Aid & Empowerment
Hidden Identities, Broken Lives and No Access to Justice
Gender Equality & GBV - Lebanon - Advocacy
In the press
Just Security: Ethiopia’s Atrocity Victims Broaden UN Appeal After Human Rights Council’s Failure
Accountability & Rule of Law - Tigray and northern Ethiopia - Advocacy
Research Report: “Every Day, I Remember They Destroyed My Life”
Accountability & Rule of Law - Gender Equality & GBV - Myanmar - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy
Policy Paper: An Untapped Justice Opportunity for Syria
Accountability & Rule of Law - Syrian Crisis - Advocacy
Opinion Piece
Opinion Piece: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Gender Equality & GBV - Global - Advocacy