Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

Legal Action

Legal Action Worldwide is an independent non-profit organisation comprised of human rights lawyers and jurists working in fragile and conflict affected areas.

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Latest news and insights

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  1. Argentina Court issues arrest warrants for genocide and crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya community
    Press Release

    Argentina Court issues arrest warrants for genocide and crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya community

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy

    PRESS RELEASE Argentina Court issues arrest warrants for genocide and crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya community Cox’s Bazar,...

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  2. Justice and Accountability for Attacks Against Humanitarian Personnel: A Call for Legal Action and Accountability

    Justice and Accountability for Attacks Against Humanitarian Personnel: A Call for Legal Action and Accountability

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy

    Brussels, 3-4 February– A critical workshop, organized by Protect Humanitarians and Legal Action Worldwide (LAW), addressed the growing threats to...

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  3. LAW Recommendations for ICC Revised Victims Strategy 

    LAW Recommendations for ICC Revised Victims Strategy 

    Transformative Justice - Global - Strategic Litigation

    LAW Recommendations for ICC Revised Victims Strategy  February 2025    Robust victim-centric policies are essential for the International Criminal Court’s...

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What we do

Gender Equality & GBV

LAW recognises that gender inequality is a root cause of many human rights violations and abuses. LAW advocates for the voices of women to be heard and maintains that women must be included in significant and meaningful roles throughout peace- building efforts if long lasting peace is to be achieved. Closely linked, sexual violence is not a stand-alone problem which can be solved in isolation. A fully integrated approach is required which both addresses deeply rooted gender inequalities and works to empower and recognise the distinct experience of women, men and LGBTQI communities.

Accountability & Rule of Law

LAW works with state institutions to increase accountability and to build internal and international pressure for independent and impartial investigations into violations and abuses. Through this work, LAW aims to reduce the climate of impunity for serious criminal offences and contribute towards rule of law, increased access to justice, peace and security.

Transformative Justice

Transitional justice, or as we prefer to call it, Transformative Justice, refers to a process that countries emerging from periods of conflict and repression undertake in order to address extensive human rights violations, too widespread and serious to be dealt with through the ordinary justice system. LAW recognises that transformative justice must be locally driven, and that all sections of society must be meaningfully involved. LAW takes a participatory and gender-sensitive approach in its provision of technical assistance to local legal institutions and organisations and fosters the participation of women, the young, and minority and survivor communities at all levels of the process.

Atrocities Against Aid Workers

LAW condemns the increase in deliberate and targeted attacks on aid workers in recent years and the very high rates of impunity for these attacks. Very few perpetrators are being held accountable and there are virtually no prosecutions. Very few aid workers receive legal advice about the range of options to pursue justice and accountability.

LAW’s Tenth Year Anniversary

Where we work

We work on issues in these locations. Get more info by selecting your prefered location below:


LAW undertakes a number of cutting-edge projects and global campaigns that address issues arising across multiple fragile states and conflict-affected contexts.


Legal Action is fully funded and supported by LAW; using creative legal strategies to increase access to justice for women and girls

Syrian Crisis

In response to the COI report, LAW initiated an EU-funded programme to empower survivors of gendered human rights violations and international crimes in Syrian-led justice strategies.


Securing access to justice through the formal legal system remains a significant challenge. This is especially true for women and children, members of minority clans, and displaced populations.

South Sudan

In 2019 LAW trained 60 South Sudanese lawyers and human rights activists on documentation and collection of information and evidence on human rights violations and abuses with a gender sensitive approach.

Sri Lanka

The war has taken its toll on the criminal justice system and the rule of law in general in Sri Lanka and there are many institutional and legal challenges to the effective administration of criminal justice.

Rohingya Crisis

LAW is embarking on an innovative new model of legal representation where empowerment of the clients, Shanti Mohila, is mainstreamed throughout the process.


In Myanmar, LAW supports the documentation of Conflict Related Sexual Violence, and other human rights violations and international crimes, and seeks to support and empower survivors in pursuing justice.

Events & Talks

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Get in touch

If you’d like to talk to us, confidentially, please get in touch.

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Partners and donors

LAW recognises that without our partners and donors we could not reach the individuals and communities that we support. We want to extend a sincere thank you to those organisations that make our work possible.

Latest audited reports

Code of Conduct