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  1. HRC57: LAW and Syrian Forum USA call for States Parties to refer situation in Jordan/Syria to ICC

    HRC57: LAW and Syrian Forum USA call for States Parties to refer situation in Jordan/Syria to ICC

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Syrian Crisis - Advocacy

  2. HRC57 – ID on the oral update of OHCHR on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan : LAW Statement

    HRC57 – ID on the oral update of OHCHR on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan : LAW Statement

    Transformative Justice - South Sudan - Advocacy

  3. Antonia Mulvey at UNGA79: Restoring the centrality of IHL in today’s armed conflict – Reaffirming the obligation to ensure and uphold respect for IHL 

    Antonia Mulvey at UNGA79: Restoring the centrality of IHL in today’s armed conflict – Reaffirming the obligation to ensure and uphold respect for IHL 

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy

  4. Atlantic Council: Member states can and should refer the situation of Syria to the ICC
    In the press

    Atlantic Council: Member states can and should refer the situation of Syria to the ICC

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Syrian Crisis - Advocacy - Strategic Litigation

  5. HRC57 – ID with Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic: Statement by Legal Action Worldwide

    HRC57 – ID with Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic: Statement by Legal Action Worldwide

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Syrian Crisis - Advocacy

  6. LOOKING AT THE PAST YEAR: Rohingya survivors’ fight for justice and accountability continues

    LOOKING AT THE PAST YEAR: Rohingya survivors’ fight for justice and accountability continues

    Transformative Justice - Myanmar - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy

  7. World Humanitarian Day: Calling for the Protection and Care of Humanitarian Personnel Worldwide
    Press Release

    World Humanitarian Day: Calling for the Protection and Care of Humanitarian Personnel Worldwide

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Advocacy

  8. Myanmar: Tool for SGBV-investigation/documentation trainers (Burmese)

    Myanmar: Tool for SGBV-investigation/documentation trainers (Burmese)

    Transformative Justice - Myanmar - Technical Assistance

  9. Four Years On, Beirut Blast Victims and Relatives Still Call for Real Investigation 

    Four Years On, Beirut Blast Victims and Relatives Still Call for Real Investigation 

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Lebanon - Advocacy

  10. Video Series: International Justice and Accountability Mechanisms for the Rohingya 

    Video Series: International Justice and Accountability Mechanisms for the Rohingya 

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Rohingya Crisis - Advocacy

  11. Policy on Slavery Crimes: Legal Action Worldwide Submission to the Office of The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

    Policy on Slavery Crimes: Legal Action Worldwide Submission to the Office of The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Global - Lebanon - Advocacy

  12. PRESS RELEASE: Enslaved Migrant Worker Is Denied Her Right To Testify
    Press Release

    PRESS RELEASE: Enslaved Migrant Worker Is Denied Her Right To Testify

    Accountability & Rule of Law - Lebanon - Advocacy